


Antidepresivos Sin Receta España

Los Antidepresivos Suaves son medicamentos utilizados para tratar trastornos depresivos, pero también pueden ser beneficiosos para tratar la ansiedad. Los antidepresivos para la ansiedad pueden ayudar a reducir los síntomas de la ansiedad, como el nerviosismo, la preocupación excesiva y el miedo irracional. Estos medicamentos funcionan aumentando los niveles de ciertos neurotransmisores en el cerebro, lo que puede ayudar a regular el estado de ánimo y reducir los síntomas de la ansiedad. Es importante recordar que los antidepresivos para la ansiedad deben ser recetados por un médico y que cada persona puede responder de manera diferente a estos medicamentos. Si experimenta síntomas de ansiedad y cree que los antidepresivos podrían ser una opción de tratamiento adecuada para usted, hable con su médico para discutir sus opciones de tratamiento.

Consequent on the enactment of Electricity Regulatory Commissions (ERC) Act 1998 (Central Act No.14 of 1998) the Government of Tamil Nadu constituted Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC)vide G.O.Ms.No.58 Energy (A1) Department dated 17.3.1999

In the G.O. said above, the Government made the following appointments to the Commission.
1. Thiru K.Venkatesan, I.A.S., (Retired) – Chairperson.
2. Thiru M.G.Devasagayam, I.A.S., (Retired) - Member.
3. Thiru E.C.Arunachalam, Chief Engineer .(Retired) - Member

Thiru E.C.Arunachalam assumed charge as Member on 1.7.1999 and started functioning in a temporary office at the 8th floor of TNEB head quarters in 800 Anna Salai, Chennai 600 002.

Since Thiru M.G.Devasagayam, Member designate relinquished his willingness, the Government vide G.O.No. 156 Energy (A1)Dept., dated 9.8.1999 appointed Thiru D.S.Hanumantha Rao, as Member in his place.

Government approved skeleton staff with one Executive Engineer, one Assistant Executive Engineer, one

Accounts Supervisor, two assistants and three casual staff vide GO Ms No 160 / Energy (A1) dated 12-8-99.

On fixing a rented premises at No 8 Third Main Road , Seethammal Colony at Alwarpet, the Commission’s office was shifted on 6-9-99.

The second Member Thiru D.S.Hanumantha Rao assumed charge on 22.9.1999.

The Commission, with two of its members in place, started drafting the “Conduct of Business Regulations” and “State Advisory Committee Regulation” and collection of relevant details for the State Grid Code, Distribution Code, tariff filing guidelines etc.,


The Commission’s location and address etc., were notified in the gazette on 23-2-2000.

In exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 58 of the ERC Act, TNERC finalized the “Conduct of Business Regulations” and “State Advisory Committee Regulation” and published them in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette Part – VI Section-2 (Supplement) dated 17.5.2000.

The Commission has been equipped with all the infra structures as planned . This include the Court Hall, Conference room, audio visual system, computerization, air conditioning and furnitures.

Consultants ( one for technical and the other for finance) were appointed on a short term basis for a period of three months to assist the commission in the respective areas

Secretary of the Commission was appointed on 3-10-2000.

Finalised the tariff filing guidelines and ARR formats and forwarded them to TNEB for advance preparation towards the next tariff revision


Member Thiru E.C.Arunachalam attended the first Executive Exchange for South Asia Energy Regulation Partnership conducted by United States Energy Association during 24.02.2001 to 03.03.2001 at Washington / Austin, U.S.A.

A booklet titled “Conceptual Issues involved in Electricity Tariff Design for Tamil Nadu Electricity Board” was brought out and 10,000 copies are circulated amongst various sections of public.

The website “” was developed

Member Thiru D.S.Hanumantha Rao, retired on 5-6-2001 attaining 62 years of age. His tenure of 21 months would be remembered for his stellar contribution in formative works of the Commission

The Government of Tamilnadu constituted a selection committee headed by Justice A.M. Ali Mohammad (Retd.) for selection of the vacant posts of Chairperson and second Member to the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission vide G.O Ms.No 61 Energy(A1) Department Dated: 12-09-2001.

The Government of Tamilnadu revised the "Tariff Rate on Supply of Electrical Energy" vide G.O Ms No 95 ENERGY (C2) DEPARTMENT dated: 28-11-2001 and G.O Ms No 96 ENERGY (C3) DEPARTMENT dated:05-12-2001, which came in to force on 01-12-2001. Consumer Groups and various other stakeholders have challenged the revision of tariff by the Government in the High Court through writ petitions

The selection Committee headed by Justice A.M. Ali Mohammad held its second meeting on 10-12-2001 and recommended a panel of names for the vacant Member posts of Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission.


The Government of Tamilnadu did not accept the panel of names suggested by the selection committee headed by Justice A.M. Ali Mohammad (Retd.) and constituted a new selection committee headed by Justice A. Raman (Retd.) for selection of the vacant posts of Chairperson and second Member to the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission vide G.O Ms.No 19 Energy Department Dated: 21.2.2002.

Member Thiru E.C.Arunachalam attended the training program on "Stakeholder Role in Successful Regulation" conducted by the United States Agency for International Development USAID) held from 4-3-2002 to 8-3-2002 at Bentota, Srilanka.

The selection Committee headed by Justice A. Raman (Retd.) held its first meeting on 10-03-2002. The committee held its second meeting on 25-04-2002 and recommended a panel of names for the vacant posts of Chairperson and second Member to the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission.

Based on the selection committees recommendations, the Government of Tamilnadu made the following appointments to the Commission vide G.O. Ms No (Energy (A1) Department) dated: 12-06-2002.

1. Thiru A. Balraj I.A.S., (Retd.) - Chairman
2. Thiru S. Thangarathnam M.Com. AICWA,
Chief Financial Controller/TNEB (Retd) - Member
The Honorable High Court in its judgment delivered on 14-06-2002, upheld the power tariff revision made by the Government of Tamilnadu in December 2001 but made it clear that henceforth the tariff should be revised only by the State regulatory Commission

Thiru A.Balraj I.A.S (Retd.) assumed charge as Chairman and Thiru S.Thangarathnam assumed charge as Member on 17.6.2002.

Tamil Nadu Electricity Board filed a Tariff revision petition on 25.09.2002 along with the ARR.

State Advisory Committee was constituted on 16.10.2002 and its first meeting was held on 7.11.2002.

The Government of Tamilnadu constituted a selection committee headed by Justice A. Raman Retd.) for selection of forthcoming vacant post of a Member vide G.O Ms. No 108 Energy (A1) Department Dated: 27.11.2002.

Member Thiru E.C.Arunachalam, retired on 15-12-2002 attaining 62 years of age. His tenure of 3 years and 5 months would be remembered for his stellar contribution in the formative stage and in the maiden tariff exercise of the Commission.

The selection Committee headed by Justice A. Raman (Retd.) for the selection of Member for the vacant post held its first meeting on 30.12.2002.


The Second meeting of the selection committee was held on 3.2.2003.

Commission issued its maiden Tariff Order on 15.3.2003 which will be applicable for the full Financial year 2003-2004.

Secretary to the Commission Thiru R.Balasubramanian retired upon superannuation on 31.04.2003. He was reappointed by the commission w.e.f 01.05.2003 for a period of one year.

The third meeting of the selection committee for the selection of the member held on 22.5.2003.

The second meeting of the State Advisory Committee was held on 13.06.2003 and discussed on the post tariff order scenario and the major issues involved in Electricity Act 2003.


The first meeting of the new selection committee constituted as per the Electricity Act 2003 held on 05.03.2004

The tenure of the Secretary to the Commission Thiru R.Balasubramanian which expired on 30.04.2004 was further extended for a period of one year from 01.05.2004.

The second selection committee meeting held on 29.05.2004 and recommended a panel of names for the existing vacant Member post.

Based on the selection committees recommendations, the Government of Tamilnadu appointed Thiru B.Jeyaraman Chief Engineer / TNEB (Retd) as Member to the Commission vide G.O. Ms No 105 (Energy (A1) Department) dated: 18-06-2004.

Thiru B.Jeyaraman assumed charge as Member on 30.06.2004

As per the requirements prescribed in Electricity Act 2003, Commission nominated the Secretary to Government, Co-operation, Food and Consumer protection as ex-officio member of SAC and notified the same on 10.11.2004

Approved the Tamil Nadu Electricity Supply Code, Tamil Nadu Electricity Distribution Code and the Distribution Standards of Performance Regulation Approval of the Non - tariff related miscellaneous charges againstTNEB petition No. 41 of 2003 submitted by TNEB

Approved the "Powers and Duties of Secretary Regulations 2004"

Conducted two meetings of the State Advisory Committee, to discuss on open access regulations and tariff regulations.


Thiru A.Balraj I.A.S.,(Retd) completed his term as Chairman of the Commission on 6-7-2006 on attaining the age of 65 years. Government appointed Thiru S.Kabilan I.A.S., (Retd) as the next Chairman. He is yet to join

Thiru S. Thangarathnam, and Thiru B. Jeyaraman continue to be the Members during the year.

The State Advisory Committee was reconstituted on 1-6-2006

Approved the tariff order (Order No 2) on transmission and wheeling charges

Approved the order ( Order No 3) on purchase of power from non conventional energy sources (NCES) based generating plants

Approved the order ( Order No 4) on purchase of power from fossil fuel based captive generating plants and co-generation plants

Appointment of Thiru R.Raju Pandi as regular State Electricity Ombudsman

Developed a Regulatory Information Management System (RIMS) and hosted it on its website

Conducted four State Advisory Committee meetings during the year to discuss the concept paper on tariff categorization, introduction of Intra State ABT, approval for power purchase agreement submitted by M/s Cuddalore Power Corporation Ltd and electricity Trading License application from M/s Global Energy Ltd , New Delhi

Publication of a quarterly magazine “ Min Nugarvor Thunaivan” , Radio talks in All India Radio and issue of booklets ( English and Tamil) in the form of frequently asked question (FAQ) with answer.

Commission received revenue of Rs 36,83,552 ,by way of fees and fines, and other miscellaneous receipts during the financial year and can be expected to become a self sustained body in the near future.


Thiru.S.Kabilan assumed charge as Chairman on 3-1-2007. Thiru S.Thangarathnam , Member completed his term on 2-4-2007. Government appointed Thiru. R. Rajupandi in his place. Thiru R. Rajupandi took charge as a member of the Commission on 21-06-2007. Thiru B. Jeyaraman and Thiru.R.Rajupandi are the two Members at present. Thiru R.Balasubramanian continues as the Secretary of the Commission.

State Advisory Committee was reconstituted on 28.12.2007. The Commission conducted two State Advisory Committee meetings to discuss “Draft regulation on Power procurement from New and Renewable sources of energy 2007” and “Draft regulation on Multi Year Tariff (MYT)”.

During the year, the State Coordination Forum met on 14-11-2007 and discussed the current scenario with regard to generation, transmission and distribution and the 11th plan schemes, sourcing of capital expenditure for generation and other matters

Subsequent to the appointment of Electricity Ombudsman Thiru.R.Rajupandi, as Member of the Commission, Thiru. R.Balasubramanian, Secretary of the Commission was designated as Electricity Ombudsman from 06.07.2007.


Approved the Regulation “ Power Procurement from New and Renewable Sources of Energy Regulations 2008.”

Issued a Suo Motu order on the tariff for purchase of power from grid connected Solar Power with Photo Voltaic / Thermal generation

Approval of the power purchase agreement of M/s Cuddalore Power Corporation Ltd., with TNEB for sale of power from the proposed 2 x 660 MW Thermal generating station at Cuddalore

Commission’s office was shifted to the new premises at the second floor of TIDCO Complex at 19-A Rukmini Lakshmipathy Salai ( Marshalls Road) , Egmore, Chennai 600 008


Meeting of Forum of Regulators (FOR) and Research Conference of Forum of Indian Regulators FOIR) were held at Chennai on 30-1-2009.

During the year , the State Advisory Committee was reconstituted on 19-10-2009 and three State

Advisory Committee Meetings were held on 16-2-2009, 26-2-2009 and 23-12-2009.

State Co-ordination Forum meeting was held on 18-2-2009.

Public hearing was held on 5-3-2009 at Naradha Gana Sabha Hall, Chennai regarding the tariff determination and allied issues for purchase of power by the distribution licensee from wind, bio-mass and bagasse based co-generation were conducted.

The Multi Year Tariff Regulations were notified on 11-3-2009.

During the year, the Commission has passed a suo motu comprehensive tariff order on wind energy vide Order No.1 of 2009 dated 20-3-2009.

The Commission has passed a suo motu comprehensive tariff order for Biomass based power plants vide Order No.2 of 2009 dated 27-4-2009.

The Commission has passed a suo motu comprehensive tariff order for Bagasse based Co-generation plants vide Order No.3 of 2009 dated 6-5-2009.

Thiru. B. Jeyaraman, Member demitted office on 29-6-2009. Consequent on the demitting of office by Thiru.B.Jeyaraman, Member of the Commission, Thiru. K. Venugopal was appointed by the Government of Tamilnadu as Member and assumed charge on 23-9-2009.

Commission conducted a seminar on “Protection of Consumers under the Electricity Act 2003” on 16-9-2009.

The Senior Deputy Accountant General, TNEB has issued the Audit Certificate on the Accounts of Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission on 20-10-2009.

The 8th Meeting of SERF was held at Madurai on 8-12-2009.

Thiru. S.P. Ezhilazhagan, Public Relations Officer was nominated as the Public Information Officer and the Secretary of the Commission Thiru. R. Balasubramanian is the Appellate Authority.


The State Advisory Committee was reconstituted on 3-3-2010 and three meetings were held on 11-3-2010, 3-5-2010 and 18-5-2010.

Public hearings were held on 30-3-2010 at Chennai, 8-4-2010 at Madurai,13-4-2010 at Coimbatore and 15-4-2010 at Tiruchirappalli on Tariff Petition (T.P.1 of 2010) filed by TNEB for increase in the electricity tariff to certain categories of consumers with effect from 1-4-2010.

Thiru. R. Balasubramanian, Secretary demitted office on 4-4-2010.

Thiru. R.V. Rajah, Chief Engineer / TNEB on deputation to TNERC as Secretary assumed charge on 10-5-2010. He retired from the services of TNEB on attaining the age of superannuation on 31-8-2010.

Consequent on the retirement, he had been appointed as Secretary of the Commission on contract basis for an initial period of nine months from 1-9-2010 to 31-5-2011.

Thiru. R. Rajupandi, Member demitted office on 4-5-2010. Consequent on his demitting office, Thiru. S. Nagalsamy was appointed by the Government of Tamilnadu as Member and assumed charge on 21-9-2010.

During the year, the State Co-ordination Forum was reconstituted on 2-6-2010.

Tmt. K. Shanthi, Public Relations Officer was nominated as the Public Information Officer and the Secretary of the Commission Thiru. R.V. Rajah is the Appellate Authority.

Thiru. S. Chockalingam, Legal Consultant, TNERC is designated as Electricity Ombudsman until the appointment of a regular State Electricity Ombudsman with effect from 1-11-2010.

The Senior Deputy Accountant General, TNEB has issued the Audit Certificate on the Accounts of Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission for the year 2009-2010 on 4-11-2010.

21st Meeting of Forum of Regulators (FOR) was held at Chennai on 28-11-2010.


The Government have reconstituted the State Co-ordination Forum in G.O.Ms.No.2, Energy (C3) Department, dated 11-1-2011.

The 22nd Meeting of State Advisory Committee was convened on 1-3-2011 to discuss “the Restructuring of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board and the experience thereafter”.

Fifth meeting of State Co-ordination Forum was held on 20-4-2011.

Thiru. R.V. Rajah, Secretary (on contract basis) of the Commission demitted office on the Afternoon of 31-5-2011.

Thiru. S. Gunasekaran, Former Member (Distribution) / TNEB (Retired) was appointed as Secretary in this Commission on contract basis for a period of one year from 1-6-2011 and he assumed charge on the forenoon of 1-6-2011.

The Government in G.O.Ms.No.65, Energy (A1) Department dated 2.7.2010, accorded approval for the change of nomenclature of the post of “Marshall” sanctioned in G.O.Ms.No.80, Energy (A1) Department dated 19-8-2010 to that of “Chobdar” in the pay band PB-1A Rs.4800-10000/- + Grade Pay Rs.1300/-.

Thiru. N. Ranganadhan, Retired Sub-Inspector of Police was appointed as Chobdar in the Commission on contract basis for a period of one year and joined duty on 1-6-2011.

The Commission has designated Thiru. S. Gunasekaran, Secretary as the Appellate Authority under the Right to Information Act 2005 (Act 22 of 2005) with effect from 2-6-2011.

The Commission has designated Thiru. S. Gunasekaran, Secretary as the Appellate Authority for Electricity Ombudsman under the Right to Information Act 2005 (Act 22 of 2005) with effect from 2-6-2011.

Thiru. K. Venugopal and Thiru. S. Nagalsamy, Members of Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission have participated in the Orientation Programme for Chairpersons / Members, Officers of Electricity Regulatory Commissions at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, along with a study visit to Folsom, San Francisco, Sacramento, Berkeley, Bakersfield (CA) in USA from 3rd June to 11th June, 2011.

Thiru. S. Kabilan, Chairman, Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission had participated as a Speaker at the Asian Clean Energy Forum, 2011 held on 20-24th June, 2011 at Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines.

The Commission has designated Thiru. V.R. Navaneethakrishnakumar, Public Relations Officer as the Public Information Officer of TNERC under the Right to Information Act 2005 (Act 22 of 2005) with effect from 15-7-2011.

The Commission has designated Thiru. V.R. Navaneethakrishnakumar, Public Relations Officer as the Public Information Officer for Electricity Ombudsman under the Right to Information Act 2005 (Act 22 of 2005) with effect from 15-7-2011.

The Government in G.O.Ms.No.101, Energy (A1) Department, dated 19.10.2010, accorded approval for the creation of the post of “Electricity Ombudsman”. Thiru. A. Dharmaraj, Retired Chief Engineer(Planning) / TNEB (Retired) was appointed as Electricity Ombudsman for a period of one year and he assumed charge on the forenoon of 8-8-2011.

The Senior Deputy Accountant General, Resident Audit Office, TNEB has issued the Audit Certificate on the Accounts of Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission for the year 2010-2011 on 14-9-2011.

TANGEDCO Limited and TANTRANSCO Limited have filed tariff application before the Commission on 17-11-2011 for preliminary true-up and approval of Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) for the year 2010-11 and approval of ARR for the year 2011-12 and 2012-13 under Multi Year and also applied for tariff revision with effect from 1.4.2012 or earlier.

The Commission has engaged M/s. ICRA Management Consultancy Services Limited, Chennai-35 as a Consultant for assisting the Commission on “the review and analysis of true up petition for the Financial Year 2010-11, Revised ARR for FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 and tariff petition for the FY 2012-13 filed by TANGEDCO Limited and TANTRANSCO Limited and for finalization of Tariff Orders.

The Government in G.O.Ms.No.529, Law (OP III) Department, dated 24-11-2011 have posted Thiru. K. Veeramani, Joint Secretary to Government, Law Department as Director (Legal) in the Commission on foreign service terms and conditions of deputation. He joined in this Commission as Director (Legal) on the forenoon of 24-11-2011.

The Commission had reconstituted the State Advisory Committee in Commission’s Notification No.TNERC/SACR/2-30, dated 19-12-2011 with 14 SAC Members and 4 Ex-officio Members.


Thiru.S.Kabilan, Chairman, Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission demitted office on 02.01.2012.

The State Advisory Committee was re-constituted on 02.01.2012. The reconstituted State Advisory Committee has fourteen members and four Ex-officio members.

The second meeting of the Working Group on “Renewable Energy” was held on 12.01.2012 at Hotel Ambassador Pallava, Egmore, Chennai.

The State Advisory Committee Meeting was held on 27.01.2012 to discuss the Tariff petition T.P.No.1 of 2011 filed by TANGEDCO & T.P.No.2 of 2011 filed by TANTRANSCO. Public hearings were also conducted at Chennai, Coimbatore, Tiruchirappalli and Madurai, on 30.01.2012, 02.02.2012, 06.02.2012 and 10.02.2012 respectively.

The 28th meeting of FOR was held on 03.02.2012 at Bodh Gaya, Bihar.

The 6th meeting of State Co-ordination of TNERC was held on 15.02.2012.

FOIR Workshop / Research conference was held on 1st and 2nd March 2012 at Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

Commission issued Suo-Motu Order No.1 of 2012, dated 15.03.2012 in the matter of non-acceptance of meters by TANGEDCO in case consumer elects to purchase a meter.

Commission issued Orders determining the Tariff for Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) Limited vide Order No.T.O.1 of 2012 dated 30.03.2012, effective from 01.04.2012.

Commission issued Orders for determination of Intra-State Transmission Tariff and other related charges vide Order No.T.O.2 of 2012 dated 30.03.2012, effective from 01.04.2012.

Commission issued Provision of Tariff Subsidy for the year 2012-13 by the Government of Tamil Nadu vide T.O.No.1-1, dated 02.05.2012.

Thiru.S.Nagalsamy, Member has attended the 19th Steering Committee Meeting of South Asia Forum of Infrastructure Regulation (SAFIR) held at Dhaka (Bangladesh) during 9th – 10th May, 2012.

13th Annual General Body meeting of Forum of Indian Regulators (FOIR) was held on 06.06.2012 at New Delhi.

Thiru.V.Prabukumar, Public Relations Officer of the Commission has been nominated as the Public Information Officer. The Secretary of the Commission, Thiru.S.Gunasekaran has been nominated as the Appellate Authority.

Commission conducted two Stakeholder’s hearing at the Conference Hall of the Institution of Engineers(India) on 08.06.2012 and 10.07.2012. Commission has conducted an Interactive Session on “Relationship between the Electricity Regulatory Commission, State Government, Utilities, Consumers & Advocates” presided over by Hon’ble Justice Thiru.M.Karpagavinayagam, Chairperson, Appellate Tribunal for Electricity on 17.06.2012 at GRT Grand, T.Nagar.

12th meeting of Southern Electricity Regulators Forum (SERF) was convened on 25.06.2012 at the Office of the Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission.

The 6th meeting of State Co-ordination of TNERC was held on 11.07.2012.

Commission issued Order No.8 of 2012 dated 31.07.2012 on “Comprehensive Tariff Order for Biomass Based Power Plants”. The control period of the Order is two years from 01.08.2012 and the tariff period is for 20 years.

Commission issued Order No.7 of 2012 dated 31.07.2012 on “Comprehensive Tariff Order for Bagasse Based Co-generation Plants”. The control period of the Order is two years from 01.08.2012 and the tariff period is for 20 years.

Commission issued Comprehensive Tariff Order on Wind Energy vide Order No.6 of 2012, dated 31.07.2012.

The Senior Deputy Accountant General, Resident Audit Office, TNEB has issued the Audit Certificate on the Accounts of Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission for the year 2011-2012 on 10-9-2012.

31st Governing Body meeting of Forum of Indian Regulators (FOIR) was held on 13.09.2012 at New Delhi.

FOIR / Research Conference were held on 05.10.2012 at Ranchi (Jharkhand).

Commission issued order on Intra-State Trading of Power vide M.O.No.5, dated 15.10.2012.

Commission issued Provision of additional Tariff subsidy for 2012-13 for Power loom weavers vide T.O.1-3, dated 05.12.2012.

Annual Reports
