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Case Orders

Sl No.Order No.PetitionerRespondant Description Order Date
14P.R.C.No.1 of 2025Thiru.S.Neelakanta PillaiTANGEDCO & Ors. Complaint seeking appropriate action against the named officials of TANGEDCO and the Secretary of TNERC alleging specific violation and non-compliance of the orders of the Commission resorting to the provisions of Sectoion 128, 142, 149, 150 of the Electricity Act. 04/03/2025
13I.A.No.1 of 2025 in M.P.No.55 of 2024M/s.A.R.S. Metals LimitedTNPDCL To issue an interim injunction from restraining the respondents from claiming any amount in excess of 50% of the demand charges27/02/2025
12I.A.No.1 of 2024 in M.P.No.51 of 2024M/s.OPG Power Generation Pvt. LimitedTNPDCL To issue an interim injunction restraining the Respondent from initiating any recovery action, contrary to the directions / clarifications issued by the Commission in the order dated 29.12.202327/02/2025
11M.P.No.29 of 2023M/s.Annamalai UniversityThe CMD/ TANGEDCO & Ors. In the matter of tariff for M/s.Annamalai University.20/02/2025
10M.P.No.50 of 2024Tamil Nadu Power Distribution Corporation Ltd. Seeking approval to float a short-term tender and for deviation from the guidelines for procurement of RTC & Peak hour power.13/02/2025
9D.R.P.No.7 of 2024i) SEP Energy Pvt. Ltd. ii) M/s.Lemon Tree Hotels Ltd. iii) M/s.Shimona Hotels Pvt. Ltd.CMD/TANGEDCO & Ors Direct TANGEDCO to adjust the outstanding amount of Rs.26,98,179/- due to SEP Energy against the consumption charges / open access charges payable by petitioners No.2 & 3, respectively, along with interest.13/02/2025
8P.P.A.P.No.1 of 2025Tamil Nadu Green Energy Corporation Ltd. (TNGECL) To ratify the action for having floated tender for procurement of 420 MW of solar under (PM-KUSUM) Scheme and other orders. 13/02/2025
7I.A.No.1 of 2024 in M.P.No.6 of 2023M/s.SEPC Power Private Ltd.TANGEDCO To declare that TNPDCL does not have power under the PPA to carry out deductions towards FCC components of Provisional Capital Cost and other orders. 13/02/2025
6R.P.No.2 of 2024 in M.P.No.28 of 2023M/s.Techno Electric and Engineering Company Ltd.TANGEDCO In the matter of payment of full APPC rate without applying any cap.28/01/2025
5I.A.No.1 of 2024 in S.R.No.122 of 2024Tamil Nadu Power Distribution Corporation Ltd.(TNPDCL)M/s.OPG Power Generation Pvt. Ltd. Prayer to Condone the delay of 87 days in filing of the Review Petition23/01/2025
4M.P.No.14 of 2024Thiru.N.MuthukumarTANGEDCO & Ors. To impose penalty upon the Respondents in accordance with Section 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for non-compliance of the order of the Commission dated 17.12.2021 in D.R.P.No.12 of 2021 21/01/2025
3S.R.No.110 of 2024 dated 27.09.2024M/s.SEPC Power Private LimitedTANGEDCO The Petitioner SEPC Power Private Limited has come forward with a prayer seeking permission to withdraw the main unnumbered petition with liberty to file a fresh petition and for refund of the court-fees paid on the petition.21/01/2025
2P.R.C.No.4 of 2024M/s.Rollatainers Limited,TANGEDCO To issue an order, or direction calling for the records on the file of the 2nd Respondent pertaining to the Impugned demand notice in Lr. No.SEK/DFC/RCS/ HT/F. Audit/HT.Sc.No.247/D.No./16, dated 29.08.2016, and quash the same as being arbitrary and illegal and thereby render justice.02/01/2025
1D.R.P.No.8 of 2024Mytrah Vayu (Manjira) Pvt. Ltd. TANGEDCO Direct the Respondent to pay an amount of Rs.40,58,54,851/- (i.e., principal amount of Rs.22,00,57,921/- and interest at the rate of 1% i.e., Rs.18,57,96,930/-) as on 10.04.2024, towards the unutilized banked energy for FY 2014-2015, FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17, within 30(thirty) days;02/01/2025